Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center  Michael Dick, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Leesburg,



The Ayurvedist®

Volume VII Issue 1                                                                                                                 January 2015 

Health and Science in the News



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Angel of the Waters, found in Central Park, NYC is symbolic of the healing effects of water. This is true in the West as in the East, now and into the ancient past.

In This Issue Health in the News and More....

1 General News – Happy New Year

2 Folk Medicine -- Some shorts from The People's Pharmacy

3 Scientific Studies—GMO Myths and Truths

4 Book CornerDangerous Grains by James Braly, MD & Ron Hoggan, MA

5 New / Unusual Links:    spiritual literature resource

                          water memory /    

  water -- more

                           ambulance drones


General News:


Wall Street Journal 12/5/14 Immunotherapy and Oncology


Radiation measurements across US reach perilous levels 



Xylitrol and middle ear infections: 


Cardiovascular benefits of Yoga: 




Folk Medicine:


Cinnamon and liver toxicity 

cayenne orally for leg cramps 

burning tongue and vitamin deficiency 

folk cough remedies 

sucking zinc lozenges    


Scientific Studies: 


GMO Myths and Truths by:  Michael Antoniou, Claire Robinson, John Fagan

Some Conclusions:

"GM proponents claim that genetic engineering of crops is no more risky than natural/conventional breeding. But in fact, genetic engineering is different from natural/conventional plant breeding and poses special risks. In

particular, the genetic engineering and associated tissue culture processes are highly mutagenic, leading to

unpredictable changes in the DNA and proteins of the resulting GM crop that can lead to unexpected toxic or

allergenic effects. Cisgenic or intragenic GM crops pose the same risks as any other transgenic crop. #ere is

nothing “new” about cisgenics/intragenics. these methods only differ from transgenic methods with regard

to the choice of organism from which the gene of interest is taken.


Sometimes GM proponents misleadingly compare genetic engineering with radiation-induced mutagenesis,

claiming that the latter is natural or conventional breeding, and conclude that genetic engineering is safer than

“conventional” breeding. In fact, while radiation-induced mutagenesis is occasionally used in conventional breeding, it is not in itself conventional breeding. Like genetic engineering, radiation-induced mutagenesis is risky and mutagenic. It is not widely used in plant breeding because of its high failure rate. Some researchers have called for crops bred through mutation breeding to be subjected to the same kind of safety assessments as GM crops, a measure required by Canada’s food safety authority.


Comparing genetic engineering with radiation-induced mutagenesis and concluding that it is less risky and

therefore safe is like comparing a game of Russian Roulette played with one type of gun with a game of Russian Roulette played with another type of gun. Neither game is safe. Both are risky.


A more useful comparison would be between genetic engineering and conventional breeding that does not involve radiation- or chemical induced mutagenesis. In fact, this is the method that has safely produced the vast majority of our crop plants over the centuries. It is also the method that is most widely used today.


In challenging genetic modification, we are not rejecting science and are not rejecting the most advanced forms of biotechnology, such as marker assisted selection, which speed up and make more precise the methods of

conventional breeding. We are only challenging the premature and misguided commercialisation of crops

produced using the imprecise, cumbersome, and outdated method of genetic engineering (recombinant DNA

technology). Why use these methods when there are better tools in the biotechnology toolbox? It is unnecessary to take risks with genetic engineering when conventional breeding – assisted by safe modern technologies such as marker assisted selection – is capable of meeting our crop breeding needs (see 7.3.2)."





Book Corner: Dangerous Grains  by James Braly, MD & Ron Hoggan, MA


This work sheds light on the importance—range of morbidity and numbers affected—of gluten sensitivity. Ayurvedists, likely, appreciate this condition as an example of asatmya—unaccustomed / non-suitable / reactivity- inducing. As usual agni (digestion) is involved by being incapable or insufficient to transform a protein, which makes it (the protein) an antigen (foreign body) in the eyes of the immune system, and which provokes an autoimmune response. For some there is a genetic link and for others nothing but a sensitivity from repeated exposure. Experience with some antigens finds that de-sensitization therapy can help, but not so with the gluten protein—strict avoidance is mandatory.






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