Apana Vata
Posted by: "cm thite" cmthite@gmail.com cmthite
Date: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:51 pm ((PDT))


I know it is really tricky and at times confusing to diagnose and treat such conditions. There is one test that we can perform in such conditions. This test is called upashaya-anupashaya. This is nothing but performing a therapeutic measure and see the effect. If the effect is positive then your diagnosis is correct. E.g. - You can use the hot water bottle for a couple of days and see the effect. If she feels better, then there is more of Vata vitiation. This mild external treatment will certainly not hurt in any way. The 'fear factor' is definitely important in this case. Fear is both cause and result of vata vitiation. I agree with Patti regarding this. Sometimes spasmodic contraction of bladder and urethral sphincter muscles results due to pain while passing urine and pressure (straining) will only worsen the condition.

Also, and most importantly, there may be a combination of both vata and pitta. If it is so, then we must treat both – one by one. The chronicity of this problem suggests combination of doshas (even some bad kapha also may be present).

Presence of two vitiated doshas at a time is called as sansarga. The following guidelines may be used to treat such conditions. These guidelines are mentioned in the text Charak samhita commentary.

1. Common properties: ' Pacification of both doshas is done by using foods and medications with properties that are commonly opposite for each of the two. Eg. If vata and kapha are both increased, you can use hot diet, because both kapha and vata are 'cold' in property.

2. Sequence: When two doshas are present, we should pacify the predominant dosha first and then take care of the other dosha.

3. Let one dosha to increase: We can allow one dosha to increase for some time and when the other one is pacified, take care of the increased dosha later.

Dr Thite.