Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center  Michael Dick, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Leesburg,


Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center and Ayurveda Education Programs

Michael Dick, MA is an Ayurvedic educator and Consultant . He earned a BA in Psychology and a MA in economics. In the 1980's he began to learn about Ayurveda through the works of Deepak Chopra and took a self-pulse course from Dr. Raju in Fairfield, Iowa. Dr. Chopra, acting as president of Maharishi International Institute of Vedic Science (MIIVS), invited him to participate in a two-year master's level curriculum in Maharishi Ayurveda in 1991, Cambridge, Mass., which he completed in 1993.  While in this area he trained and worked at the Lancaster Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center, under the guidance of Deepak Chopra, MD., Jay Glaser, MD, and John Douillard, DC, giving panchakarma treatments and lecturing and teaching Ayurvedic principles of health to hundreds of guests. He continued academic studies for the next 7 years with Dr. Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc., at The Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, NM, completing the Ayurvedic Studies Program (ASP) and several iterations of Gurukula. Other studies include Jyotisha / palmistry (Vedic astrology) with Hart deFouw and principles of Vedic Ecology (Sthapatyaveda or Vastu Shastra) with Sashikala Ananth, and Ganapati Sthapati, and cranial therapy.  New (2016)--advocate for the new plasma energy field applications for health....see www.keshefoundation.org


In 2000 Michael was selected to teach the re-formatted ASP I at The Ayurvedic Institute, as well as, Ayurvedic Lifestyle the following year for ASP students. For advanced students he designed and taught numerous courses including: Ancient Texts--about the classical literature of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Herbology I, II, The Gunas (20 attributes), Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment, and he assisted students in a clinical skills development course. During this time he also presented at numerous seminars at The Ayurvedic Institute including various topics in herbology and pulse. He was a teacher of Ayurvedic Herbology at The North American College of Botanical Medicine for several years and also taught at The East-West Institute of Alternative Medicine, Cambridge, Mass., Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute and Yoga Mandala, Berkeley, Ca, Everglades University in Boca Raton, FL, and for Kerala Ayurveda Academy (several locations). In 1998 Michael spent a few months in India studying informally with numerous vaidyas. Ayurvedic herbology encompasses herbal medicine at its finest. Here students are learning art of identification. By comparing identical plants' parts among different plants we see the diversity of ways nature can organize, while accomplishing similar functions.

Teaching Ayurvedic Herbology at The Ayurvedic Institute, ABQ, NM

Michael has been an Ayurvedic Consultant, counseling the healthy and ill in the Ayurvedic approach to healthy living practices. He has seen several thousand clients around the US and India and presents seminars and gives talks on various topics. Now located in Leesburg, FL (north of Orlando) he has founded the Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center and Ayurveda Education Programs. The mission * for the Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center is to spread the spiritually-oriented health message of Ayurveda. Presently located in Leesburg, our facilities are in a start-up mode, hopefully to become a full-fledged clinic in the near future. Services presently emphasize diet, lifestyle, and food supplement guidance; as there are many healing modalities within the Ayurvedic treatment spectrum, such as yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, sense therapy, astrology, and so on, these may be utilized, too. Ayurveda Education Programs' mission is to provide an academic approach to those interested to study Ayurveda. It conducts seminars and gives talks and classes on various Ayurvedic topics around the US. 

Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center

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Words of Wisdom Quote for 3/29/2025
Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. - Lao-Tzu




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