Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center  Michael Dick, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Leesburg,


A Topical Survey of Ayurvedic Herbology

(Formerly: Ayurvedic Herbology Handbook)


This work has been available in a three-ringed binder format as in the picture below and has over 575 pages of content and about 85 pages of appendices. It is no longer being offered in this printed format--it's available now only in digital/downloadable e-book form in pdf file format. It's fully searchable and printable. It's divided into 20 sections covering the following topics:

1.   History 8.  Pharmacology 15.  Technology / Apparatuses
2. Health and Disease 9.   Pharmacognosy 16.  Ethics
3.   Treatment 10. Interactions 17.  Legal Issues
4.   Medicine 11.  Toxicology 18.  Resources
5.  Dravya Guna--Theory of Drug Action 12. Forms of Ayurvedic Preparations 19.  Applied Herbology – The 24 Herbs
6.  Classification 13.  Compounding 20.  Appendices
7. Identification 14.  GMP's--Handling, Processing, Storage To read  Introduction Click here

The intent of the Handbook is to present the classical authoritative Ayurvedic position on the issues; thus there are many citations included in this work. This work is an introductory textbook suitable for independent study. As time passes more explanatory remarks are being introduced for more complete presentation and comprehension of the material.

The Handbook is intended as a broad survey of the topic of Ayurvedic herbology and not as an exhaustive study of the subject.    $75. Download





Fully Searchable and editable CD only of the 24 Herbs in Topical Survey of Ayurvedic Herbology  $40. incl S&H  (US only)




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