Bio data Michael Dick Ayuveda practitioner Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center
Contact Information Mail Email Telephone Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center
Ayurvedic Consultations with Michael Dick Ayurvedic practitiioner in West Palm Beach, Florida
Seminars, Talks, and Workshops
Distance Learning
Products of Dhanvantari Ayurveda
We Sell Products Made by Others Banyan organic botanicals triphala cyavanaprash Kerala Ayurvedic Pharmacy
Survey Article Ayurveda Life Science
Glossary of Ayurvedic Terms Dosha Prakriti Ayurveda Attributes Elements
Glossary of Spiritually-Oriented Terms
The Spiritual Background of Ayurveda
The Spiritual Background of Ayurveda -- Philosophy
Quotes from the Spiritual Teachers
Cultural Wisdom
Index of Articles of Ayurvedic Theory
Articles -- index page Ayurvedic medicine treatment protocols excluding panchakarma
Abhyanga Self Oil Massage for vata--dry skin, scalp, eczema, psoriasis, worry, fear, anxiety, insomnia
Abhyanga or oil massage
Oil Massage abhyanga benefits outline
Ayurvedic Reflections on Aging Immortality Rejuvenation Rasayana Immunity
Ayurvedic Clinical States Digestion Agni variable sharp dull
Ama, Physiology, signs, symptoms, treatment, indigestion,
Ayurvedic Concept of Autoimmune Disorders
Ayurveda Guidelines Summer -- pitta climate, season therapy
Balancing Kapha Treating Obesity Congestion Edema Diabetes PND Headache Lymphatic Congestion
Balancing Pitta Treating Inflammation Infection Swelling Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Bleeding Bruising Migraines MS Leukemia Jaundice Hepatitis
Balancing Vata Treating Insomnia Fear Worry Dry Skin Scalp Constipation Gas Bloating IBS Parkinson's Osteoporosis
Behavioral Non-Medicinal Rasayanas Rejuvenatives
Some Traditional (Non-AV) Cleansing Baths
Colon Function Balancing Treating Constipation Diarrhea IBS FLatulence Abdominal Swelling Fatigue Malabsorption
Cooking Ayurvedic Strategies for Vata Pitta Kapha Prakruti Vikruti
Daily Check List
Dawn Drinking of Water
Ayurveda Exercise Helps Lower Heart Disease Risk Improves Immunity Indigestion Obesity Lethargy Fatigue Depression
Eye Exercises improving concentration accommodation
Eye Therepeutics for Balancing Eye Physiology with Diet , Supplements, Washes etc.
Ayurveda Fasting for Improving Digestion Elimination Constipation Gas Bloating Fatigue Hypersomnia Rheumatoid Arthritis
Five Elements—Assessment and Therapeutics
Kapha Sense Therapy for Prevention and Treatment of Congestion Swelling Edema Lyphatic Congestion Dullness Heaviness Lethagy Obesity Diabetes
articles_ayurvedic_medicine_diet_lifestyle_dhanvantari_ayurveda_center_ayurveda_education_programs/Five Sense Therapy--Kapha.pdf
articles_ayurvedic_medicine_diet_lifestyle_dhanvantari_ayurveda_center_ayurveda_education_programs/Five Sense Therapy--Pitta.pdf
articles_ayurvedic_medicine_diet_lifestyle_dhanvantari_ayurveda_center_ayurveda_education_programs/Five Sense Therapy--Vata.pdf
Gandusha Kavala Ayurvedic Gargling cleanse soothe heal eliminate dosha toxins
Gharshana Alternative Massage Bare Hand Raw Silk or Wool gf Lymphatic Congestion Poor Circulation
Herbal Extracts Cellular Agni Digestion Metabolism Draksha Arishta
Historical Highlights Herbalism Herbal Medicine Allopathy Ayurveda Homeopathy
Jet Lag Treating Preventing Antinausea Antivertigo Motion Sickness
articles_ayurvedic_medicine_diet_lifestyle_dhanvantari_ayurveda_center_ayurveda_education_programs/Jet Lag.pdf
Knowledge & Health Understanding Organizing Power Control Self Destiny Cause and Effect
The Labyrinth Walk by Joan Harrigan
articles_ayurvedic_medicine_diet_lifestyle_dhanvantari_ayurveda_center_ayurveda_education_programs/Meditation Guidelines.pdf
Understanding Your Meditation and Resolving Discomforts with Mediation
Treating Dysmenorrhea Leukorrhea Menorrhagia Excess Bleeding PMS Irregula Menses Premature Menopause Hot FLashes
articles_ayurvedic_medicine_diet_lifestyle_dhanvantari_ayurveda_center_ayurveda_education_programs/monthly Balancing for Ladies.pdf
Moon Salutation Ayurvedic Yogic Exercise for Mind and Body Integration Cooling for Pitta
NASYA--NASAL ADMINISTRATION gf migraine headaches stiffness in head neck jaw shoulders stuffed nose sinus congestion, etc
Natural Healing—A Definition & Importance
Controling Weight for the Obese is a difficult task but here Ayurveda insights can help normalize weight.
Over Leanness Ayurveda insight attain prakriti weight
Ayurvedic Seasonal Lifestyle Panchakarma Enema Purgation Vomiting Blood Letting Hasal Treatments
Self-referral has become of interest to scientists from studies in cybernetics. Now its spiritual role is shown.
Surya Namaskara Ayurveda Yoga Exercise for Mind and Body Integration
The Cycle of Rest and Rejuvenation Ayur-veda Lifestyle Circadium Rhythm
Directions for taking Herbal supplements
Trataka is a concentration-promoting technique traditionally done with a ghee candle. It benefits mind and body--especially vision.
Some Words About Triphala
Regarding a Vegetarian Diet--An Ayurvedic Perspective
Panchakarma is natural cleansing or elimination technologies of Ayurveda that make a difference. Learn why, here.
Yoga Post Partum Ayur-Yoga Ayurveda and Yoga for New Mothers
Index of Articles of Therapeutic Significance
Writings of Other Experts -- An Index
Dr. Bhate on Addison's Disease
Dr. Thite on Apana Vata
Dr. Thite on Apana Vata
Dr. Bhate on Bathing
Bleeding during menopause urgency
Dr Thite on chicken pox
Frequent colds in children
Dr. Bhate on Cysts
Dr Thite on Fibroids
Fistula Thite
Dr. Thite on Healing with Honey
Headache by Dr. Thite
Dr. Thite on Honey
Dr. Bhate on Immunity
Dr. Bhate on Joint Pain
Ayurvedic Home remedies for Monsoon Diseases
Dr. Thite on Muscular Dystrophy
Dr. Thite on Nasal Polyps
Dr. Bhate Pregnancy, Vomiting, Heem
Dr. Bhate on Parasites
articles_ayurvedic_medicine_diet_lifestyle_dhanvantari_ayurveda_center_ayurveda_education_programs/Quotes_from_Vaidyas/Woman Stages of Life Gupt.pdf
Dr. Bhate on Sun Exposure and Sun Gazing
10 ailments, yoga therapy,Headaches, Asthma,Sexual dysfunction, Sleep problems. Menstrual pain, Rotator cuff injuries, Osteoporosis, Pain sensitivity, Depression, anxiety
Neo Natal Writings
Articles on the Ayurvedic Materia Medica -- Index Ayurvedic Nutritional Supplements
Ayurvedic Diets for Balancing the Doshas
Recipes from Vaidyas -- Tridoshic Dal
Food Notes
All Issues of The Ayurvedist Newsletter about Ayurvedic Holistic Healing and the Three Dosha Theory of Health and Disease
Open Letters of Opinions of Othe
Essential Oils and Blood Brain Barrier
California Senate Bill SB577 of 2001
A Proposal for Maryland
Minnesota -- A Bill for an Act 4-26-2000
New Mexico Complementary & Alternative Medicine Project
Interim Progress Report of White House on Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Events: Ayurvedic Pulse Seminars, Workshops, Public Talks on Ayuvedic Medicine and Healing
National Events / Conferences on
International Events
Food or/and Components Index
Food Supplements, Micronutrients, Vitamins, Minerals Index
Food Additives Research Index
Nutraceuticals Research Index
Environmental Toxins Research Index
Research on Ayurveda--A Listing
Miscellaneous Index
Ayurvedic Practitioners--US Referral List Includes BAMS degree-holders and Maharishi Ayurveda trainees
Ayurvedic Practitioners--Foreign Many listed are BAMS degree-holders and some are Maharishi Ayurveda trainees
Complementary Practices Resource listing Yoga TCM Naturopathy Homeopathy Feldenkreis
Product Suppliers Banyan Organic Botanicals Tri Health Ayurvedic Products Oils Kerala Pharmacy Ayurvedic products
Panchakarma clinics in US and India who do traditional cleansing of Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Education Ayurvedic Institute and others
Books on Ayurveda Classics Caraka Sushruta Vagbhata Madhava Sharngadhara Bhavaprakasha Chopra Lad Svoboda Lonsdorf
Book Sellers of Ayurvedic Topics
Audio Visual Listing of self-help self-healing Chopra MAPI Lad Svoboda Rgveda Samaveda
Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center Mic
Herb Data from The Ayurvedist (c) Herbal Database
Friends Ayurvedic Practitioners related healing modalities
Ayurvedic Body Typing-- Prakriti -- Prakruti
Research Findings in Health-Related Fields Ayurvedic and Nutrition
The Ayurvedist Newsletter January 2005
Frequently Asked Questions
Emotions--The Mirror of the Mind
Ayurvedic Daily Lifestyle and Routine
Some Words About Herbs Medical Herbalism Ethnobotany and Ayurveda
Panchakarma Five Elimination Strategies for Balancine the Doshas aka Natural Cleansing
yoga asana postures healing toning stretching rejuvenating non-disease specific
Meditation Guidelines Setting Up Right Conditions in Environment Scheduling Posture Preparing for Following
Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis -- assessment of the arterial pulse
Site Map for www.Ayurveda-Florida.com - Florida Ayurvedic Practitioner
Dicussion on Arka of India
Dr. Thite on Apana Vata 2
Foreword To A Topical Survey of Ayurvedic Herbology
Definitions of the 6 treatments: Ca
Mobile Phone use Raises Brain Tumor Risk
Jala Neti is an ancient Ayurvedic Therapy
Yoga Criteria
Xenotoxins as Endocrine Disruptiors
18 Tricks to Teach Your Body
Regulation of Ayurvedic medicines a must
Site Map
Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center Conract is an agreement that we don't practice medicine--diagnose and treat disease
Dr. Bhate on Bathing
Hidden Nature
What Meditators Say About TSM
Newsletters_ayurvedist_ayurveda_medicine_science_topics/Letters of Opinion on Ayurveda Developments/Shared Decision Making.doc
NAMA Position Letter for Maryland Action to Regulate Ayurveda
Indian herbal remedy cancer hope
Dr. Bhate on Osteoporosis, Bleeding and Greying Hair
Dangerous Grains,
Hybrid Fruit and Vegetables though bigger not Necessarily Better
If Your Knees Hurt Try This
Sleep—An Ayurvedic Perspective reminds us that our mind and body both affect sleep and that diet and lifestyle affect both by balancing vata, pitta, or kapha.
Dr. Bhate on Thrush and Mother's Milk
Follow-Up Questionnaire Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center
Dolphins Recognize Names
The Ayurvedist Newsletter July 2015
Some Breathing Techniques Taught by a Colleague for Healing
A Note about the Science of Creative Intelligence
Dr. Bhate on in utero Guidelines
Menopause Gail
NAMA Conference Data
Diabetes link to passive smoking
Dr. Bhate on Breast Feeding
Jivanand TV Program Advertisement
Jiva Ayurveda is pleased to announce
Ozone Hole over the Antarctic Contracting
Quotes by Albert Einstein
The Ayurvedist Newsletter September 2009 -- News and Opinion related to health and disease
The Dangers of Statin Drugs
Vata Diet
ABHYANGA (Ayurvedic Oil Massage)
cooking_and_nutrition_ayurvedic/recipes/kapha diet chauhan.doc
Web Site Settings for Active Server Pages
Prevention of Disease
Vegetarian is the New Prius
Recipe for Roasted Sweet Sesame Seeds
mmy talks and videos
Spicy Green Beans
Essential Oils and Blood Brain Barrier
Mandukaparni Centella asiatica gotu kola reduces gastric ulceration
Dr. Bhate on Diet Post-partum
Ginger & Pepper Treat Difficult Cancers
Testimonials on Transcendental Meditation
Definitions of the 6 treatments: Ca
Golden Rules for Easier Living
Discover the new Lancaster Ayurv
In Vitro Supplement Screening of Ambrotose
Jai Guru Dev
NST is more than a technique
Some Apes, Birds can Think Ahead, Studies Show
red button download
Wisdom of the Culture
Himalaya Drug Co. Products
Bleeding during menopause urgency
Mediterranean-style diet cut the Risk of Heart Disease
Centella asiatica -- herbal treatment for diabetes
When Nature Comes Together
Why the Happy Are Nuts
Chaukhamba Ayurvedic Books Catalog
Oils--A Vaidya's Perspective
First Online Encyclopedia on Ayurveda
High Fever in 11 month old baby
Viruddha aahara
Words of Wisdom
Winners versus losers
Dr Thite on Hemorrhoids
Chelating the Body
Meditation Brain Physiology Consciousness Metabolic Factors
Cooking Guide Eating and Nutrition Guidelines Simplified
Genetics May Play Role in Chronic Fatigue
cooking_and_nutrition_ayurvedic/recipes/pitta diet Chauhan.doc
Homeopathy State and Regional Societies
Dr. Bhate Pregnancy, Vomiting, Heem
Ayurveda for Mental ailments
Einstein's Vision of Black Hole
Rasayanas for winter
Phase II Of Project To Promote Neem
Action Plan for Ayurvedic Consultation with Michael Dick
Cumin Magic